自选1 Task-for-Fun 电影评分面面观

the Research on MovieLens dataset

Posted by Jiawen Wu on December 18, 2018





  • 第一部分是由University of Minnesota的GroupLens研究小组提供的MovieLens数据集【点击进入MovieLens数据下载页面】该数据集由“users.dat”,“ratings.dat”和“movie.dat”组成。

  • 第二部分是画图需要用到的地理数据:美国每个州的边界地理数据和每个州对应的邮政编码 【点击进入Boundary数据下载页面】(友情提示:打开这个链接要挂梯子还得开全局模式)


  • STEP1 导入数据,清理数据,把数据整理称我们好用的形式
  • STEP2 分析每个数据文件并使用ggplot进行数据可视化
  • STEP3 合并我们感兴趣的文件,并使用ggplot和leaflet进行可视化
  • STEP4 在下一节中我们可能还会尝试着做Shiny的反应线图(看期末季+申请季心情) 

    STEP1 准备数据


users <- read_delim("users.dat",col_names = FALSE,delim = "::")
users <- users %>% select(-X2,-X4,-X6,-X8) %>% 
rename(user_id = X1, gender = X3,age = X5,occupation = X7,zip_code = X9)


users <- users %>% mutate(zip_code2 = substr(zip_code,1,5)) %>% 
                select(-zip_code) %>% rename(zip_code = zip_code2) %>%
                mutate(zip_code3 = substr(zip_code,1,3))

在处理异常值之后,我们可以将“用户”users.dat“和“zip code”文件组合在一起,以便查看每个用户所属的州。

zipcode <- read_csv("zipcode.csv")
zipcode <- zipcode %>% select(-X3)
user_zipcode <- inner_join(users,zipcode,by=c("zip_code3"="zipcode"))

导入“ratings” 数据集,处理“time”这一列数据.

ratings <- read_delim("ratings.dat",col_names = FALSE,delim = "::")
ratings <- ratings %>% select(-X2,-X4,-X6) %>% 
rename(user_id = X1, movie_id = X3,rating = X5,timestamp = X7)

这数据中的Timestamp时间戳是指从 1/1/1970 00:00:00 开始经历的秒数.为了分析打分的频率和时间属性,我们需要转换一些信息(用户评定的那一天的以小时为单位计算的时间,周期等)

ratings <- ratings %>% mutate(time = ymd_hms("1970-1-1 00:00:00")+seconds(timestamp)) %>%             
select(-timestamp) %>% mutate(hour = hour(time))

user_rating <- inner_join(x=user_zipcode,y=ratings,by = "user_id") 
user_rating_period <- user_rating %>% group_by(user_id) %>%
            mutate(difftime = difftime(max(time),min(time),units = "mins"),period = difftime/n()) %>% select(user_id,difftime,period)


movie <- read_delim("movies.dat",col_names = FALSE,delim = "::")
movie <- movie %>% mutate(title1 = paste(X3,X4, sep = ":" )) %>%
                   mutate(title = gsub(":NA","",title1)) %>%
                   select(-X2,-X3,-X4,-title1) %>%
                   rename(movie_id = X1, genres = X5) %>%
                   mutate(year = str_match(title,"[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]"))


STEP2 ggplot数据可视化

● 一天24小时评分量的分布

ggplot(ratings,aes(hour)) +
    geom_histogram(color = "white",fill="orange",binwidth = 0.8) +
    labs(x='hour of the day',y='count',title='the distribution of the rating time') +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) 


● 用户平均评分时段的分布

ggplot(user_rating_period,aes(period)) +
    geom_histogram(color = "white",fill="orange") +
    labs(x='period(mins)',y='count',title='the distribution of the period of ratings per user') +xlim(0,10000)+ylim(0,1e+05)+
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))


● 电影总体评分按年度的分布

  geom_point(aes(size = number_of_ratings, color = "purple") )+
  labs(x='year of the movie',y='mean ratings',title='the trend of the ratings for movies in different year') +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

如图所示,可以看出人们对电影的评分是有一定驱使的。相对来说,人们更喜欢1940年至1960年间拍摄的电影。电影制作的时间越近,总体评分越低,当然这也可能受到当年制作的电影评分数量的影响。 随着早年电影数量的增加和在早些年制作的电影上评分的人数的增加,评分可能会有所降低。

● 排名前20的电影

mean_rate_each_movie <- movie_rating %>%
                      group_by(movie_id) %>%
                      mutate(mean_rating_each_movie = mean(rating)) %>%
                      select(movie_id,title,mean_rating_each_movie,year,genres) %>%
top_20_movie <- mean_rate_each_movie %>% ungroup() %>%
                      arrange(-mean_rating_each_movie) %>%


rank rating year genres                         Title 
 1   5    1973  Horror                    Baby, The (1973)                                                   
 2   5    1995  Documentary               Gate of Heavenly Peace, The (1995)                                 
 3   5    1995  Drama                     Schlafes Bruder (Brother of Sleep) (1995)                          
 4   5    1998  Comedy                    Follow the Bitch (1998)                                            
 5   5    2000  Documentary               Bittersweet Motel (2000)                                           
 6   5    1967  Comedy                    Smashing Time (1967)                                               
 7   5    1954  Adventure                 Ulysses (Ulisse) (1954)                                            
 8   5    1947  Crime                     Lured (1947)                                                       
 9   5    1936  Drama                     Song of Freedom (1936)                                             
10   5    1973  Comedy|Drama|Western      One Little Indian (1973)                                           
11   4.8  1964  Drama                     I Am Cuba (Soy Cuba/Ya Kuba) (1964)                                
12   4.75 1994  Drama                     Lamerica (1994)                                                    
13   4.67 1998  Drama                     Apple, The (Sib) (1998)                                            
14   4.61 1962  Action|Adventure          Sanjuro (1962)                                                     
15   4.56 1954  Action|Drama              Seven Samurai (The Magnificent Seven) (Shichinin no samurai) (1954)
16   4.55 1994  Drama                     Shawshank Redemption, The (1994)                                   
17   4.52 1972  Action|Crime|Drama        Godfather, The (1972)                                              
18   4.52 1995  Animation|Comedy|Thriller Close Shave, A (1995)                                              
19   4.52 1995  Crime|Thriller            Usual Suspects, The (1995)                                         
20   4.51 1993  Drama|War                 Schindler's List (1993)         

● 年龄,职业 V.S. 电影类别偏好


all <- inner_join(movie,user_rating)
movie_genres <- c("Action","Adventure","Animation","Children's","Comedy","Crime","Documentary","Drama","Film-Noir","Horror","Musical","Mystery","Romance","Sci-Fi","Thriller","War","Western")

best_movie_by_age_occu <- all %>% group_by(age,occupation) %>%
                          filter(rating == max(rating)) %>%
                          select(age,occupation,genres,movie_id) %>%
                          unique %>%             
                          mutate(Action = sum(str_count(genres,movie_genres[1]),na.rm = TRUE),Adventure = sum(str_count(genres,movie_genres[2]),na.rm = TRUE),Animation = sum(str_count(genres,movie_genres[3]),na.rm = TRUE),Childrens = sum(str_count(genres,movie_genres[4]),na.rm = TRUE),Comedy = sum(str_count(genres,movie_genres[5]),na.rm = TRUE),Crime = sum(str_count(genres,movie_genres[6]),na.rm = TRUE),Documentary = sum(str_count(genres,movie_genres[7]),na.rm = TRUE),Drama=sum(str_count(genres,movie_genres[8]),na.rm = TRUE),Film_Noir=sum(str_count(genres,movie_genres[9]),na.rm = TRUE),Horror=sum(str_count(genres,movie_genres[10]),na.rm = TRUE),Musical=sum(str_count(genres,movie_genres[11]),na.rm = TRUE),Mystery=sum(str_count(genres,movie_genres[12]),na.rm = TRUE),Romance=sum(str_count(genres,movie_genres[13]),na.rm = TRUE),Sci_Fi=sum(str_count(genres,movie_genres[14]),na.rm = TRUE),Thriller=sum(str_count(genres,movie_genres[15]),na.rm = TRUE),War=sum(str_count(genres,movie_genres[16]),na.rm = TRUE),Western=sum(str_count(genres,movie_genres[17]),na.rm = TRUE))  %>%
                    select(age,occupation,Action:Western) %>% unique 
long_b <- best_movie_by_age_occu %>%
                      gather(genre,frequency,Action:Western) %>%
                      group_by(age,occupation) %>%
                      filter(frequency == max(frequency)) %>%
                      select(age, occupation, genre) %>% slice(1)
wide_b <- long_b %>% spread(key = occupation, value = genre)  %>%
  rename("other or not specified"="0","academic/educator"="1","artist"="2","clerical/admin"="3","college/grad student"="4","customer service"="5","doctor/health care"="6","executive/managerial"="7","farmer"="8","homemaker"="9","K-12 student"="10","lawyer"="11","programmer"="12","retired"="13","sales/marketing"="14","scientist"="15","self-employed"="16","technician/engineer"="17","tradesman/craftsman"="18","unemployed"="19","writer"="20")


# A tibble: 7 x 22
# Groups:   age [7]
age `other or not specified` `academic/educator` artist
* <int>                    <chr>               <chr>  <chr>
1     1                    Drama              Comedy Comedy
2    18                    Drama               Drama  Drama
3    25                    Drama               Drama  Drama
4    35                    Drama               Drama  Drama
5    45                    Drama               Drama  Drama
6    50                    Drama               Drama  Drama
7    56                    Drama               Drama  Drama
# ... with 18 more variables: `clerical/admin` <chr>, `college/grad
#   student` <chr>, `customer service` <chr>, `doctor/health care` <chr>,
#   `executive/managerial` <chr>, farmer <chr>, homemaker <chr>, `K-12
#   student` <chr>, lawyer <chr>, programmer <chr>, retired <chr>,
#   `sales/marketing` <chr>, scientist <chr>, `self-employed` <chr>,
#   `technician/engineer` <chr>, `tradesman/craftsman` <chr>,
#   unemployed <chr>, writer <chr>



  • [录屏操作一对一教学] ~ 敬请期待 ~


  • STEP3 合并我们感兴趣的文件,并使用ggplot和leaflet进行可视化
  • STEP4 在下一节中我们可能还会尝试着做Shinyapp的反应线图并上传到网上
