
【福利】2019 Summer 暑研信息

Posted by Jiawen Wu on February 27, 2019

之前的Lab会不定期发一些的RA/Intern Openings

The Berkeley Early Learning Lab

Lab info:

The Berkeley Early Learning Lab (BELL), under the direction of Dr. Fel Xu, 
is now accepting applications from highly motivated undergraduates and 
graduating seniors for our Summer Internship Program in 2019.

To apply, please see http://babylab.berkeley.edu/summer-internship.
The application deadline is March 22, 2019 11:59p.m. PST.
If you have further questions about the program, please refer to our website (http://babylab.berkeley.edu) or contact us at bH1abberkeIey.edu.

NYU Summer Institute for Social and Personality Psychology

Program Info:

The 2019 Summer Institute in Social and Personality Psychology will be held at 
the New York University. The two-week intensive summer experience will accept 
100 pre-doctoral students in social and personality psychology.

The Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Lab at Brown University

Lab info:
Please visit http://research.clps.brown.edu/dcnl/

The Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Lab at Brown University, directed by 
Dr. Dima Amso, will be hiring a Lab Manager/Research Assistant beginning 
Summer 2019. 

Summer research internship in Learning Sciences - University of Pittsburgh

Program info:


The Learning Research and Development Center (LRDC) at the University of 
Pittsburgh is seeking summer undergraduate interns to promote broader 
participation in training in the Learning Sciences. The internship program 
will run from May 20-June 30, 2019 and all participants are expected to be in 
residence for the entire program. Housing and a stipend will be provided. A 
limited number of travel supplements are available to fund student travel to 
and from Pittsburgh.

Yale University Computation and Cognitive Development Lab Summer Internship

Program info:

The Computation and Cognitive Development Lab at Yale University is accepting 
applications for a paid summer internship that will run from June 3 - July 26, 
2019. Interns will work closely with graduate students in all aspects of the 
research process including study design, data collection and analyses. In fact,
four of last year’s interns are co-authors on papers currently in the pipeline!  ![](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BrokenCrayons/ImageBase/master/Images/006tKfTcly1g0kzg5g4gcj30xp0gw79c.jpg)

The Family Involvement Lab at University of Maryland

Lab info:


The Family Involvement Lab at University of Maryland (Dr. Natasha Cabrera) is 
seeking a highly motivated and organized individual to be a fulltime project 
coordinator for the EveryDay Learning Study. This NSF-funded research project 
is looking at how 2- to 3-year-olds learn math through parent- child 
interactions at home and is a collaboration with New York University and 
University of Pittsburgh. We are hoping to have someone start ASAP.

If you are interested in applying, please refer to the attached job posting 
for more details. In addition, please feel free to check out our lab website 
for more information about our research.

Gopnik Cognitive Development and Learning Lab Summer Internship Program 2019-UC Berkley

Program Info:
The Gopnik Cognitive Development and Learning Lab at UC Berkeley is now accepting applications for their summer research assistant internship. Interns will gain experience working on multiple projects at all stages of the research process.

Please refer to gopniklab.berkeley.edu (For Applying) for application instructions. The application deadline is Friday March 29 8:00 AM PST.

Please direct any questions to Teresa Garcia at gopniklabmanager@berkeley.edu

2019 Summer Internship - UC Berkeley Language and Cognitive Development Lab

Lab info:

The Language and Cognitive Development Lab at UC Berkeley, under the direction 
of Prof. Mahesh Srinivasan, is accepting applications for their summer 
internship. The goal of this program is to provide a comprehensive, hands-on 
research experience to highly motivated students, while making valuable 
contributions to cognitive science.

Deadlines of most posts are approaching!
Hurry up! Fighting!

Wish u all a lovely future ^ - ^