Developmental Psychology In Press Articles


Posted by Jiawen Wu on June 18, 2019

1 Infants’ Responses to Interactive Gaze-Contingent Faces in a Novel and Naturalistic Eye-Tracking Paradigm

Jolie R. Keemink, Maryam J. Keshavarzi-Pour, David J. Kelly (University of Kent)
Developmental Psychology
Keywords: Face scanning, gaze-contingent, infants at elevated risk for autism

2 Spontaneous partitioning and proportion estimation in children’s numerical judgments

Zax, A., Slusser, E.B., & Barth, H. (Wesleyan)
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
Keywords: numerical cognition; estimation; proportion

3 An eye-tracking method for directly assessing children?s visual-motor integration

Nicholas E. Fears (University of North Texas), Brooke C. Bailey (Case Western Reserve University); Blair Youmans; Jeffrey J. Lockman (Tulane University)
Physical Therapy
Keywords: eye-tracking, visual-motor integration, handwriting

4 An advantage for ownership over preferences in children?s future thinking

Brandon Goulding (University of Waterloo), Cristina Atance (University of Ottawa), & Ori Friedman (University of Waterloo)
Developmental Psychology
Keywords: future thinking; preferences; ownership

5 Minimal group formation influences on over-imitation

Hanna Schleihauf (Max Planck Institute for Cognitive and Brain Science), Sabina Pauen (Heidelberg University), Stefanie Hoehl (Max Planck Institute for Cognitive and Brain Science, Vienna University)
Cognitive Development
Keywords: Group membership Minimal groups Over-imitation

6 Chimpanzees monopolise and children take turns in a limited resource problem

Hagen Knofe (MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology), Jan Engelmann (Yale University & University of G?ttingen), Michael Tomasello (Duke University & MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology), Esther Herrmann (MPI for Evolutionary Anthropology)
Scientific Reports
Keywords: competition, reciprocity, dominance

7 Adaptive Flexibility in Category Learning? Young Children Exhibit Smaller Costs of Selective Attention than Adults

Nathaniel Blanco and Vladimir Sloutsky (The Ohio State University)
Developmental Psychology
Keywords: Selective attention; categorization; learning

8 Intuitions about personal identity are rooted in essentialist thinking across development

Zachary Horne (Arizona State University) and Andrei Cimpian (New York University)
Keywords: identity; self; essentialism

9 A match does not make a sense: On the sufficiency of the Comparator Model for explaining the sense of agency

Lorijn Zaadnoordijk (Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition & Behaviour; Trinity College Dublin), Tarek R Besold (Telefonica Innovation Alpha), Sabine Hunnius (Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition & Behaviour)
Neuroscience of Consciousness
Keywords: Sense of agency, infants, robots

10 Learning by Arguing

Kalypso Iordanou (University of Central Lancashire), Deanna Kuhn, Flora Matos, Yuchen Shi, & Laura Hemberger
Learning and Instruction

11 Dialog as a Bridge to Argumentive Writing

Yuchen Shi (East China Normal University), Flora Matos & Deanna Kuhn
Journal of Writing Research

12 Something in the way you move?: Infants are sensitive to emotions conveyed in action kinematics

M. Addabbo (University of Milan-Bicocca) V.S. Vacaru, M. Meyer, & S. Hunnius (Radboud University Nijmegen)
Developmental Science
Keywords: Body expressions, actions, kinematics

13 Neonatal imitation ? Temporal characteristics in imitative response patterns

Mikael Heimann (Link?ping University, Sweden) and Tomas Tjus (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Keywords: Neonatal imitation, tongue protrusion, mouth opening

14 Infants prefer those who defer in conflicts

Ashley J. Thomas (Harvard University, MIT) & Barbara W. Sarnecka (University of California, Irvine)
Current Biology Keywords: social hierarchy, social evaluation; social development

15 Reaching to the self: The development of infants’ ability to localize targets on the body

Jackleen E. Leed, Lisa K. Chinn, & Jeffrey J. Lockman (Tulane University)
Psychological Science
Keywords: Reaching, self, body representation

16 What Does Mickey Mouse Know About Food?: Children?s Trust in Favorite Characters Versus Experts

Allison J. Williams and Judith H. Danovitch (University of Louisville)
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology
Keywords: Trust, Expertise, and Characters

17 Long-term bi-directional associations between symbolic numerical magnitude processing and arithmetic from the start to the end of primary education

Kiran Vanbinst, Pol Ghesqui?re and Bert De Smedt (University of Leuven, Belgium)
Journal of Numerical Cognition
Keywords: Symbolic number processing; reciprocal relations; mathematics achievement

18 Four-year-old?s understanding of repeating and growing patterns and its association with early numerical ability

Nore Wijns, Joke Torbeyns, Merel Bakker, Bert De Smedt and Lieven Verschaffel (University of Leuven, Belgium)
Early Childhood Research Quarterly
Keywords: patterning; numerical abilities; preschool

19 Rare preference effect: Statistical information influences affiliation judgments

Natalia V?lez, Sophie Bridgers, Hyowon Gweon, H. (Stanford University)
Keywords: Social cognition, statistical reasoning, social categories

20 Integrating expectations and outcomes: Preschoolers? developing ability to reason about others’ emotions

Mika Asaba (Stanford University), Desmond Ong (AStar Agency for Science, Technology, and Research, Singapore), Hyowon Gweon (Stanford University)
*Developmental Psychology

Keywords: emotion, theory of mind, physical reasoning

21 Motion tracking of parents? infant- versus adult-directed actions reveals general and action-specific modulations

Johanna E. van Schaik, Marlene Meyer, Camila R. van Ham, Sabine Hunnius (Leiden)
Developmental Science
Keywords: motionese, infant-directed actions, motion tracking

22 Social-ecological relations among animals serve as a conceptual framework among the Wichi

Mar?a Celeste Baiocchi (CONICET - Argentina), Sandra Waxman (Northwestern University), ?lida Mar?a P?rez, Aurelia P?rez (Escuela N? 421 Wich? Lako - Formosa, Argentina), Andrea Taverna (CONICET - Argentina)
Cognitive Development
Keywords: Categorization, social relations, Wichi

23 Embracing Death: Mexican Parent and Child Perspectives on Death

Isabel T. Guti?rrez (Raritan Valley Community College), David Menendez, Matthew J. Jiang, Iseli G. Hernandez (University of Wisconsin ? Madison), Peggy Miller (University of Illinois ? Urbana Champaign), Karl S. Rosengren (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Child Development
Keywords: Socialization, Understanding of death, Mexico

24 Does training mental rotation transfer to gains in mathematical competence: Assessment of an at-home visuospatial intervention

Chi-Ngai Cheung, Jenna Y. Sung, Stella F. Lourenco (Emory University)
Psychological Research
Keywords: Spatial skills, mental rotation, arithmetic

25 Ratunku! or just tunku! Evidence for reliability and concurrent validity of Language Use Inventory: LUI-Polish

Marta Bia?ecka-Pikul, Anna Filip, Ma?gorzata St?pie?-Nycz (Jagiellonian University), Katarzyna Ku?, (University of Warsaw), Daniela K. O?Neill (University of Waterloo)
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research
Keywords: pragmatics, assessment, children

26 Busy toy designs reduce the specificity of mothers’ references to toy parts during toy play with their toddlers

Daniela K. O?Neill, Taylor J. Deglint, Ashley M. McKinnon, Angela Nyhout, Julianne Scott (University of Waterloo)
Canadian Journal of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology
Keywords: toy design, parent-child talk, referential specificity

27 Young children consider the expected utility of others’ learning to decide what to teach

Sophie Bridgers (Stanford University), Julian Jara-Ettinger (Yale University), Hyowon Gweon (Stanford University)
Nature Human Behaviour
Keywords: teaching, communication, naive utility calculus

28 Differentiation in prefrontal cortex recruitment during childhood: Evidence from cognitive control demands and social contexts

Nicolas Chevalier, Judith Jackson, Alexia Revueltas Roux (University of Edinburgh), Yusuke Moriguchi (Kyoto University), Bonnie Auyeung (University of Edinburgh)
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
Keywords: Cognitive control, prefrontal cortex, fNIRS

29 How bilingual experience and executive control influence development in language control among bilingual children

Maki Kubota, Nicolas Chevalier, Antonella Sorace (University of Edinburgh)
Developmental Science
Keywords: Bilingualism, executive control, language control

30 Encouraging performance monitoring promotes proactive control in children

Lauren V. Hadley (University of Nottingham), Frantzy Acluche (East Michigan University), Nicolas Chevalier (University of Edinburgh)
Developmental Science
Keywords: Performance monitoring, cognitive control, EEG

31 Voluntary task switching in children: Switching more reduces the cost of task selection

Aurelien Frick (University of Edinburgh & Suor Orsola Benincasa University), Maria A. Brandimonte (Suor Orsola Benincasa Universit), Nicolas Chevalier (University of Edinburgh)
Developmental Psychology
Keywords: Cognitive control, self-directed control, task switching

32 The ontogeny of cumulative culture: Individual toddlers vary in faithful imitation and goal emulation

Yue Yu (National Institute of Education, Singapore) & Tamar Kushnir (Cornell University)
Developmental Science
Keywords: confirmatory factor analysis; individual differences; social learning

33 Cake or broccoli? Recency biases children?s verbal responses

Emily Sumner (UC Irvine), Erika DeAngelis (U Minnesota), Mara Hyatt (U Rochester), Noah Goodman (Stanford), and Celeste Kidd (UC Berkeley)
Keywords: Decision making, language development, recency biases